My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The PERFECT YA read - P - E - R - F - E - C - T!!!
I dove into a world that exceeded my expectations. I knew Chelsea was good, but damn this book was really spectacular. I m a lover of all books YA, but some are a bit too young for me (if that makes sense?)
I found myself lost and captivated in a way only The Vampire Diaries tv series could. I know I should not compare but in this case I can because it held all the elements that TVD did and more.
The dialog was fantastic, believable and intense. Characters were real and adorable. A roller-coaster of emotions assaulted me with each page.
To put it as simple as I can: Anew was a emotionally intense, heart- wrenching, thrill ride like no other. It's the perfect love triangle with mystery, sorrow and romance, with loads of surprising elements that kept my anchored to every detail of the story. A love bound by a spell so imaginative it hurts! I felt so much in this one story than I do in an entire series -
It does not compare!
Eagerly getting my hands on the rest of the series.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
OH I loved this book! I could not put it down. It was intense and well written, original and captivating. I had that "twilight" feeling while reading it. Im not going to ruin it for you, by telling you why, but I got that same sense of sharing a love you cant begin to explain. Once you've tasted it, you can never be without. Thank you Shelly for introducing me to your book, I would never have thought of picking it up otherwise. The minute I read the blurb I got excited. I knew it was going to open a new door for me in the reading world. Significance is a typical YA read, with the right amount of good , great and scary scenes.Congratulations Shelly on your movie deal! *crazy happy dance* I cannot wait to see this book on big screen. Shelly ran with the concept of imprinting in a very unique way, brilliantly executed.In saying that I cannot wait to read the entire series. Ive recommended it to my South African friends and await their approval. And to answer your question, yes you will miss out on something awesome if you do not read this book.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Wow! First of all, this is so not my genre. How ignorant of me, assuming all Faerie books would be sweet and girly. How stupid of me as a writer not to consider the possibilities... Rachel I adored this book, devoured it! A very talented author, who works magic with words and scenes. I loved it from page one, action... action.. action... romance... action...romance and some sad and broken scenes, conflict and magic. Everything to keep you on your toes all the way through. I didnt want it to end. I still dont want it to end. Characters were spectacular, the world was amazing. Why I loved this book so so much besides of the obvious mentioned above. I write what I want to read, and here Rachel reminded me of every little element I create to keep readers enticed and begging for more. Well I am begging for more.The plot was brilliantly put together, there was attitude, violence, love, sorrow, guilt and attitude and more attitude. I cannot say enough about this book, just read it!
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This has only been my second Vampire series.I thoroughly enjoyed Scent of a White Rose. It was real page turner. Dialog was really good. The plot was truly kept me on the edge , coming back at every opportunity to read as much as I can before my daily duties tore me away. I found most of the characters likable ,and hearing from a variety of characters point of view I found myself torn between sympathizing with even the bad guy in the story. The main character Rose is not your typical sweet naive girl, witch put a likable spin on things .I would recommend this for a more mature age group as the language is at times harsh. Definitely a fun read , scenes I often lost myself in. I am really happy about the fact we wont be waiting too long for Blood of a Red rose.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I have been fortunate enough to read PIB before anyone else, so Im not gonna spoil it for anyone. Rae is a brilliant writer, her words like poetry , she brings culture and rock together. The story is very well put together. I adore the characters. You might think things pradictable in some books, not this one.
The format is gorgeous as is everything about Pretty In Black. One thing I did not like though, is I hate the sespense on waiting what will happen in the next book , I mean how can you leave me hagging like this Rae?
Look out for Black Satin.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Danielle Harding writes so beautifully. Delivers the story with exceptional grace and style. This is one of those books I will read again, and let me tell you I have not reread any of my books yet. But Wormwood needs to be reread, it is way too intense to grasp the first time round. Its vividness captures you from the first page . A new kind of tormented romance that is absolutely captivating, its deep and powerful. Kali is girl I wish I could be, she is way to strong and highly modest, her compassion and passion guides her through so much devastation how could she possibly survive it all? - Her morality is way more exceptional when you find out something about Kali you never expected. There are few stories that are unpredictable, Wormwood is a total surprise. Its smart, enthralling, a tear jerker, a love story and so much more.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I loved this book , Adored the Characters. My heart bled out for her and felt the pain she must be going through. Beautifully written and Brilliantly executed. One of my best reeds this year
Well done to Suzanne Young on this one - waiting on A want to Wicked!
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