Thursday 27 September 2012

Author interview Rachel Morgan - The Creepy Hollow Series

The Creepy Hollow Series

Creepy Hollow is a YA fantasy series. It will be published in
ten to twelve novelette-sized installments, which will ultimately
be put together into a trilogy of novels. The novelettes will be
published in ebook format only, while the novels will be
available in both ebook and paperback format.

About Rachel Morgan

" I grew up in Durban, South Africa, but I spent a lot of that time living in my imagination (I still do!). I have an Honours degree in Genetics and right now I'm teaching Maths to high school girls. But what I really love to do is WRITE! At school I spent as much time writing stories for my two best friends (starring us, of course!) as I did studying. If I could make a living telling stories, that would be the height of awesome.
This is me trying."

1. Please tell our readers who Rachel Morgan is:

Rachel Morgan is a 26 year old who lives in Durban, South Africa, juggling teaching and writing. She has a degree in Genetics, but realised pretty quickly that research wasn't for her! Stories have been bouncing around inside her head for far too long, and by 2009 it was time to let them out.

2. Tell us about The Creepy Hollow series , what brought it to life?

I started off wanting to experiment with epublishing, and I thought the best way to do that was to write a series of shorter works rather than a long novel. One day the name Creepy Hollow popped into my head. It seemed a little silly, but at the same time I loved it! From that name emerged a world of magic, dangerous creatures and faerie guardians who protect people. The story follows Violet, a faerie training to be a guardian. She's about to graduate as the best in her year when one of her assignments goes wrong: A human boy can see through her faerie glamour and follows her into the fae realm.
3. How do your characters come about?

Hmm. Uh ... It feels like they've always been there, I just somehow find them! Honestly, I'm not sure. I think my characters are a mixture of people I know and other characters I've read and seen in movies or TV shows.
4. Do you plot plan, or does it come as you write?

It's a mixture. I know the basic overall plot, but I can't plan all the details before I write them. I've tried and it doesn't work for me! So I basically have a framework that I fill in as I go along.

5. You have gorgeous covers, who is the designer and tell us the story behind these covers please.

The designer is me! (So thank you very much ;-) ) Well, the story is that I plan for each cover to have the face of a person or object that features in that story. I've tried to keep them simple but striking. Nothing overly embellished.
6. Tell us about your hometown.

My hometown was barely even a town! I grew up in one of several houses on what could probably be called a sugar estate (sugar cane farming is big in this area). It was a large house with an ENORMOUS garden and a view of a dam and sugar cane fields. We got the most AMAZING sunrises there. Absolutely stunning. Even though it wasn't the safest place to live, I loved it. When we moved closer to the city I actually cried the first night when I looked out of my window and realized I couldn't see the stars anymore :-(
7. When is the best time for you to get your write on?

The best time is probably in the evening, which kinda sucks, because I just manage to get into the writing zone and then I find myself too tired to stay awake!
8. So you're getting married, how exciting! How did you two meet?

I met my fiance (I still love saying that!) when I was studying at university. I started off in Cape Town (UCT), and transferred to Pietermaritzburg (UKZN) for third year. The classes there were small, so everyone noticed "the new girl". It's kinda funny, because I remember thinking for the first few months that this guy was really annoying! Haha, that opinion obviously didn't last ;-)

9. Is there any character that resembles you in some way?

Not really ... I can identify with parts of some of my characters. Like how determined and single-minded Violet is when it comes to seeing through her goal of being the best guardian. And as a teacher, I can indentify with the mentor role that Tora plays.
10. What can we expect in the series?

Come on, I can't tell you that!
Okay, I'll give you this tiny little tidbit: There currently only appears to be one main villain, but that's going to be changing...

Where to connect with Rachel 

Honored to have such a talented young author with us today and very much one to keep a look out for. Thank you for popping in Rachel

Comment appreciated!


  1. Thank you so much for having me here today! Was fun to do an interview swap :-)
    PS - The series so far actually has FOUR stories now!

  2. So... I'm super intrigued by the entire thing, but esp. that last little tidbit! Hmmm... oh the villainous villainy!

    So Rachel, you're a combination of plotting and pantsing? lol And a degree in genetics? How interesting... will your educational background end up showing up in the Creepy Hollow series, I wonder.

    Loved the interview Rachel & Carlyle!

    1. Thank you for popping in Dani - I was thinking the same thing about the genetics - would love to tap that brain!

  3. Thanks for dropping by, Dani! I don't think my genetics background will make an appearance in the Creepy Hollow series, but I do have a paranormal new adult novel planned that's set in a similar university environment to the one I studied in :-)

  4. Another awesome South African! Fabulous. Love your covers, Rachel. Very interesting background and interview. Best of luck with the Creepy Hollow series - I personally love the name.

    1. Thank you! (It's cool to be called an awesome South Africa, haha!)
