My rating: 5 of 5 stars
One of my new favorite authors! Claire Merle writes to my heart. Wow this book was all kinds of thrilling and magnificent. I sure hope there is a follow up to The Glimpse. Brilliant, crazy, imaginative, smart and captivating. I might have cried, laughed and screamed a little or a a lot throughout this book. Absolutely in love with the writing style and the story.
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About the Author
Claire wrote her first paranormal screenplay at the age of thirteen and named it after a road sign. DANGER ALIVE never made it to the big screen, but she continued to write and daydream her way through school and university, graduated with a BA (Hons) in Film Studies, and spent the next few years working in the British Film Industry.
Claire now lives in France with her French husband and two young sons, and is an advocate for Human Rights.
Claire now lives in France with her French husband and two young sons, and is an advocate for Human Rights.
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This is a weekly meme hosted by Simply Sensational Book Fanatics
The purpose of this meme is to share a book we have really enjoyed or loved reading, whether a recent one or whether we read it way back when. A book WE think you should perhaps add to your reading list. It’s fun, and I know there are loads of awesome books out there we are all missing out on. Sharing is Caring!
- Choose a book you really enjoyed or simply loved;
- Create a post;
- Showcase the ‘Sharing is Caring Sunday’ badge at the top of your post;
- Copy and paste what needs to go below the badge;
- Attach the book’s cover;
- Add a link to the book on Goodreads;
- You are free to set up your post however you want as long as the badge and text follow each other;
- It's up to you to decide which size you are happy with in displaying the badge;
- And lastly, let your readers know why you loved this book and how you rated it. If it's a book you read many moons ago, you are still free to give it a rating of your choice whether you reviewed it on your blog or not.
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